A school system as a whole can be very flawed. The concept of homework is questionable in the sense that how would a teacher know if you did the work or you got someone else to do it? This comes into direct contact with whether or not parents should help with their child's homework. It's a very touchy subject considering the fact that some kids really struggle and NEED their parent's help. But on the other hand there are kids who are fully capable of doing all their work but instead have the parents do it for them.
To me, it just does not seem ethical that a parent who wants to see their kid achieve would force them along a path that they may not be supposed to go down. By this I mean that every kid has a certain amount of potential and if a parent makes it seem as though that child has a certain potential that is above what they can actually do then they will eventually fall behind once the parent cannot hold their hand anymore. On top of this, it just simply is not fair to the kids who do not get help from their parents on any work and then the kids who are supposed to be on a lower level appear to be on a higher one.
Unfortunately, this is a topic where both sides are always valid no matter what point you or the other side makes. Some kids really struggle, and they absolutely need the help in order to just make it through their classes. Parents do have responsibility to make sure their kids don't fail. Personally, I try to keep my schoolwork away from my parents because I know that if they edit something to make it better in their eyes, it suddenly becomes their essay rather than mine. The child's work should remain the child's, instead of becoming the parent's. Besides, one of the best parts about being a parent (I imagine) is that you're supposed to be done with school (kinda).
I understand where you are coming from on this issue of parent involvement in their child’s schoolwork. As you said in your blog it is the parents responsibility to ensure their child successes. But personally I have a different overall view on this issue and I believe if the child understands they need help on school work and asked their parents to edit their work or help them it shows the child knows their own weakness and is not afraid to be an advocate for themselves.