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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Amazing Israeli Women -- Amal Ayoub

Recently, Haaretz (the popular slightly left-wing Israeli news-site) released a very interesting article that focused on sixty-six women from Israel who have all accomplished really challenging goals (not just for women, but for everyone in general). One that really caught my eye was Amal Ayoub -- an Arab-Israeli who has created her own start-up and has become very successful. I've done a good amount of research on start-ups in the past, but hearing about this was unexpected. An Arab succeeding in the Jewish state? Not only that, but she's also a woman (I have nothing wrong with her gender personally, but unfortunately I do recognize how women do not have the same privileges as men in society). All of this makes her story a truly inspiring one -- someone everyone can look up to.

Amal's story also really reminds of a very controversial song titled "American Tune" by Andrew Jackson Jihad (I have to give credit to my good friend Ben Gerber for the recommendation of music). The song is about the remaining social advantages that white, straight, and American men all have above everyone else. It is sad to admit how realistic the song really is. A section of the lyrics go as follow:

"I'm a straight, white male in America/

I've got all the luck I need/

Shit's gonna work out for me"

To me, these lyrics really emphasize why what Amal has done is so awesome. Her title of an Arab-Israeli female living in the Jewish state now has more depth to it.

It is not fun to point out the negatives of the society we live in. However, these are the sorts of things we cannot ignore, or else they will consume and destroy the good things we already have. Listening to this song makes me feel bad about coming back to the states, especially after reading things about people like Amal Ayoub which makes me want to stay in Israel. That's the sort of impact Amal has on me -- pride in Israel. The fact that Israel is a place where a person like Amal can succeed gives me hope. There isn't much more I can say than that.

I seriously recommend checking out the song on YouTube and reading the article on Haaretz!

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